Birthright Journal - Day 2
5/20 "Good morning, good mooorning, my lip is swollen up, good morning, good morning, to you!" I don't think I ever fell asleep as fast as I did last night. I wish I could always do that. Typically, I can't fall asleep until everyone else in the house or room is asleep, but not last night.

Talk about regressing, my college frisbee years came into play! Status: I think people think I'm a fun guy. I was invited to sit with people at dinner and people are looking at me like they would the fun guy! I mean, I know I’m a fun guy but I didn’t know other people know I’m a fun guy! --- I volunteered as tribute for the T-shirt committee. --- Going to the pool now. Once the t-shirt comes off, you won't be able to get the babes off me. ...nah, I got stretch marks for days.
...and a gut.
... and we just ate. --- Wow, pool! It was fun. We did pool things... I don’t really know what else to say. We hit a small beach ball up in the air and afterwards sat in the sun with the other squares who were too cool to get wet.
Kinda wish I had brought a towel… After that, we did games that they do in summer camp. I was forced to eat some kind of Jello, but it was grape. Bleh! --- I really think I'm being seen as a really fun and funny guy. We played a game called Jungle Sweep, and I was making everyone laugh. There’s a part in the game where you grab a stick and when two people grab it, they fight over it. The Israelis were surprised that I was a “gentleman” and let the girls win if the struggle escalated. I told them that I was the true winner at heart!
The fights with the guys were a little more hardcore. Fortunately, I was clever enough to reach in and tickle their armpit to let go. Hey, it works with my younger cousins!
It worked purely out of shock factor. In fact, someone tried that tactic on me, but it didn’t work, because I was able to turn it off. (Note: this is a skill required for potential dads and grandpas to learn.) --- We did Havdalah and then went back to the mall in Be'er Sheva. Same mall, same shawarma. They had a store and I got me some chocolate.

Apparently the chocolate bar is from the Ukraine, and the Spider-Man eggs have spider mans in them, so of course I got those!

Tomorrow is the Bedouin tent. The itinerary has changed a bit to avoid Trump, who's coming to town.
(Update: our itinerary changing became more commonplace than sunburn outbreaks.)
Status: People are a lot nicer here than I've ever experienced, especially from Jews. Maybe it's because everyone is more mature, but I don't think so. Adults suck too. I am just in shock, because I've never been remotely close to being the "cool kid", and now I'm remotely close to being a "cool kid". Was it Second City? The maturity thing? Maybe it's because I've been able to harness my neuroticism over the years, and am better at it (and quicker) than most people. End of Day 2. There are already reports of people hooking up. What about me? Pffft! Are you kidding me!? I'm just stoked girls are talking to me, let alone guys! Where the hell were these people at school, high school, college, camp...etc.? Sorry, I'm not gonna list the cute girls or any gossip-ey crap like that. You never know... (Though, I kinda have a feeling I do know. The odds are against anything happening, and I’m OK with it. I didn’t come to Israel to get wasted and laid.)